Tomorrow I'm going to look like a heroin junkie. I was under the false impression that since I was given the horrid banana smoothie to drink, that I wouldn't have to have an IV. Wrong! The cute guy who escorted me to the CAT scan trailer (yes, a trailer!) told me on our way up the stairs. As if that didn't suck enough, they gave me more of the killer smoothie to drink.
After I layed down on the bed, the woman who seemed to be in charge looked at my right hand and said "well, we can't use that one because it is already badly bruised. Let's see the other one." Now, when the assistant (the cute guy) told me I'd be getting an IV, I felt like I was going to be sick. As she was getting ready to stick me, I felt this panic rising up in me. Then she started poking the needle around after it was already in. They switched on the IV machine, but it wasn't working. She'd have to stick me again.
This was just a little to much for me. She decided to try for the side of my left hand. As I felt hot tears running down my face, she stuck me. Again! Neither one of them seemed to notice until I started to sniffle. See, this is why I wanted to go by myself. I was desperately trying to stop, but then she started moving the needle around in my wrist. It's bad enough to cry at all, but better strangers than people who know me. Plus, I felt humiliated about crying in front of the cute guy.
About 15 minutes into the procedure, she had to take the IV out. She didn't really explain to me why except to say that my veins are too fragile and delicate for it to work. She apologised to me and held an ice pack to my wrist. The cute guy helped me up.
I had to get dressed almost one handed because she told me to keep my left arm elevated and to keep the ice on it. That was definitely one of the longest 30 minutes of my life.
The woman told me to expect a bruise from my wrist down to my elbow. I'm supposed to ice it today. And then tomorrow, if my injection site has hardened and not stopped swelling, I'm supposed to switch to hot compresses.
By the time I'd driven myself home, the paper towel wrapped around the ice they gave me was half covered in blood. It's not bleeding anymore though.
Gonna go pass out now, Tragic